
I’m a software engineer at MathWorks. More about my professional life on LinkedIn.

In December of 2020 I completed a Computer Science master’s degree at Florida Atlantic University, focusing on machine learning. The thesis is available here. I’m now a Ph.D. candidate, focusing on machine learning, continuing the work I did for the master’s degree. My master’s and Ph.D. projects are on GitHub.


Papers and articles where I’m the main author:

Papers and articles where I’m a collaborator:

More publications and patents on Google Scholar.

Older things

I used to be more active on Stack Overflow. Nowadays I help a bit with questions and answers moderation.

Earlier I wrote a few pieces on programming topics on Blogger. I switched to GitHub Pages (this blog) to simplify my workflows because most of my work is already on GitHub.

Recent posts

Using LLMs to summarize GitHub issues

15 minute read

A learning exercise on using large language models (LLMs) for summarization. It uses GitHub issues as a practical use case that we can relate to.

Vision transformer properties

12 minute read

Vision transformers are not just a replacement for CNNs and RNNs. They have some interesting properties.

Machine learning, but not understanding

12 minute read

In the expression ‘machine learning’, are the machines actually learning anything? Let’s explore what ‘learning’ means for machine learning, guided by Melani...

Explainability: end-users considerations

4 minute read

If we assume that explaining to the end-users how a machine learning (ML) model makes its predictions increases their trust on that model, the question is th...

Would you trust AI to do [X]?

7 minute read

Exploring ‘robustness’ as a factor to trust AI products, with examples of how difficult it is to create robust AI products.

Bias in data science and machine learning

7 minute read

Of all the problems that may crop up in the machine learning lifecycle (acquire data, train a model, test the model, deploy, and monitor), biased data is the...